Maren Altman net worth

MAREN Altman who has more than 1.1 million followers on TikTok, believes astrology is the key to predicting Bitcoin’s future price.

But what’s the story behind Altman and what is her net worth?

Who is Maren Altman?

Maren Altman was born on August 24, 1998, in Houston, Texas.

Altman was two years old when she first read about astrology in a newspaper and went on to learn about psychological astrology and planetary cycles as a child.

In her teenage years, she started to seriously study astrology, and made a few bucks at parties giving “readings to drunk kids.”

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She graduated in 2020 with an undergraduate degree in Philosophy and went on to do a PhD in Philosophy, Cosmology and Consciousness at the California Institute of Integral Studies.

During lockdown, a friend suggested she tried doing TikTok dance videos and it wasn’t long before she started posting short astrology videos.

Her platform soon started to take off and her Instagram changed from everyday casual photos to an array of semi-nude snaps.

As her follower count exploded, she started posting about world affairs and predicted that Joe Biden would win the US election.


Then she started posting about Bitcoin.

“I’ve started looking at the astrology of Bitcoin and it looks like it’s about to enter a crazy growth streak and a substantial price increase,” she said on November 21, 2020.

At the time of the video Bitcoin’s price was at $18,600.

In the weeks after she posted the video, BTC reached $41,900 on January 8, 2021.

Altman then dropped out of the California Institute of Integral Studies in 2021 after she started making more than 5 figures a month from her astrology side hustle.

Astrology works by looking at the positions of planets and stars around the moment something comes into existence, such as someone’s birthday or for the purpose of cryptocurrency, the first block in a blockchain, known as its Genesis Block.

It’s then compared to where those planets and stars are right now, or where they will be in the future.

Altman said: “If there’s a Genesis Block, that is a go-to because that is the initiation or the birth of that moment.

“If I can’t find anything of a Genesis Block, I look to the first listing on CoinMarketCap and I use that and I see if it works out.”

When comparing the current or future constellations (a group of stars forming a recognizable pattern) of the stars to the original constellations, Altman looks for when planets are in similar positions.

Altman said: “So, bullish indicators would be favourable alignments, basically, in general of Jupiter, Venus, or the north node.

“Those are all indicators of growth.

“And so that’s a pretty straightforward one. More bearish indicators are things like Mars, Saturn or the South node.”

In astrology, ‘nodes’ are the points when the sun and the moon’s orbit intersect.

As of 2022, Maren Altman has more than 120,000 followers on Instagram and more than 1.3 million followers on TikTok.

What is Maren Altman’s net worth?

Altman makes money from her astrology work, mainly from sponsored videos, for projects such as Handshake, Sushiswap and Deflect Protocol.

She charges thousands of dollars per video.

She also runs her own Astrology Academy where she trains prospective astrologers and is the co-founder of Stellium X, a software-as-a-service company aimed at making it easier for astrologists to market themselves.

She’s also said before how her followers just send her money.

Although Maren Altman’s exact net worth is unknown, she is believed to be worth more than $2 million.

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